
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Well today is tax day which is pretty important, but when it comes to dollars tomorrow could be even more important! The final day for people to mail in their completed Census form is tomorrow, Friday the 16th. What happens if they do not remember to send it in? It ends up costing the tax-payers more money to complete the Census process.

Here are a few facts:

o For every 1 percent increase in the national participation rate by mail, the Census Bureau saves taxpayers $85 million by not having to send census takers door to door to households that failed to return the census form. If every household mailed back its 2010 Census form, taxpayers could reduce the cost of taking the census and save $1.5 billion.

o It costs the government just 42 cents for a postage paid envelope when a household mails back the form but costs on average about $57 per household to send a census taker.

o April 16th is the last day to return your Census form!

Have you sent your form in?

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