
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Summer of Kung Zhu

We were lucky enough to be chosen to host a a Zhu-riffic Kung-Zhu Party for our boys and some of their friends.  The kids had a blast playing with all of the fun toys.  The excitement started when the box arrived at our house filled with tons of Kung Zhu toys.  My boys already loved Zhu Zhu parts, but pairing them with the Kung Fu aspect was genius!  My boys are Tae Kwan do nuts so they went wild for them - it will definitely be the summer of Kung Zhu at our house!

Dad hard at work putting everything together.

 With the assistance of a helper or two.

Choosing hamsters.  The party kit came with enough hamsters for each boy to get their own.  Several of the moms called later to make sure that it was ok that they came home with them - they were amazed by the generosity of Zhu Zhu Pets™ and MomSelect!

Then it was game on!  Here are a few pics and video of the fun!
(Video by my 14 year old - thank goodness the kiddos are techno savvy!)

transformation of fighting ninja and warriors.

Throughout the summer I will be posting more pictures, games, and snack recipes from the party along with a chance to win your own Kung Zhu pet!

For more information about the Kung Zhu family, visit

Want To Win Kung Zhu pets?

Coffee With the Mrs. is giving away an amazing set:
The winner will receive:

(1) Rock'O Battle Hamster

(1) Drayko Battle Hamster

(1) Ninja Warrior Armor- Dark Jonin

(1) Special Forces Armor - Dune Tracker

(1) Giant Battle Arena

(1) Missle Attack Tower

(1) Dragon Hammer

Altogether that's a $90 value!!

To enter, head over here! 

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