
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Christmas In July Lesson Plan

So last night when I asked Luke to pick a bedtime story, this is the book he picked out.  I guess with the temperatures hitting the 100 degree mark lately, he was craving a little bit of snow.  So, that got me to thinking about the phrase "Christmas in July"  I had of course heard it before, but was it actually a real thing?  Thanks to the magic of the internet, I found out that yes it was a real holiday, and there are people who actually celebrate it!  So in honor of my boy's craving for snow, I decided to plan some Christmas in July activities.  Here are a few of the things we will be doing just in case you are having a case of the summer blues:


Handwriting is always a little more fun when it involves Christmas, don't you think?  Have them practice writing Christmas words with this printable.

Creative Writing

You know that box of old Christmas cards you've been saving for??? Come on, fess up, I have one too.  Well, put them to use as story starters or writing prompts.  Have your child cut the cover off and write a story about it. I know one little boy who is going to be writing about snowmen in his journal!

Reading/Language Arts

Read about The Wild Christmas Reindeer with this fun reader's theater.

Practice alphabetical order using Christmas lights.


Make use of those old Christmas bows that are collecting dust in your garage for some math fun!
Younger kiddos can sort them into piles to practice their sorting skills. If your kiddo is a little older, have them graph the results!  Older kiddos can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and even division with the bows.  See if they can write their own story problems to go along with them.

Practice some Santa Subtraction

The Cost of Christmas - Have your kiddo figure out how much the 12 Days of Christmas would cost with this fun worksheet.

Now that you are in the Christmas spirit - you might want to think about tackling a chore usually reserved for later in the year. You know the one that you forget about until the last minute so now you are known for your New Year's cards that were supposed to be Christmas cards but somehow didn't get mailed out until after Christmas. - Yeah Guilty as charged.

Well, this year I think I am going to surprise all of my family and friends by taking care of the chore of ordering and getting the Christmas cards ready early - like now, when I don't have the holiday hectic.

I usually send out photo cards, so I have already booked a photo session with my fave camera friend for right after BlogHer, and I have been checking out these snowman (of course!) photo cards from

Just use your imagination and replace those girls with my 6 boys and wouldn't it be fab?  I think so :)
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by This is a sponsored post, meaning that I have received compensation. All thoughts and opinions are that of my own.

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  1. Love the " christmas in July " theme !! inspired to do craft session for my kids now ! Stopping by from monday mingle bloghop !! New follower from GFC. Feel free to hop by my blog when you have time :)

  2. Hey, following back from Measuring Flower! I'm still debating homeschooling (I was homeschooled from pre-K through 12th grade). Lol. I'd love to do it, but we'll see how things go. I'll definitely keep your blog in mind for ideas. Thank you so much! Have a great day!


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