
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Multiplication Poems

If your kiddos are having a hard time learning their multiplication facts, you may want to try one of these poems:

4 x 4 Poem

Want to drive a four by four truck?

Unless you're 16, you're out of luck!

6 x 6 Poem

Six times six. Magic tricks.

Abracadabra. Thirty-six.

6 x 7 Poem

Six and Seven are sad and blue.

They make number forty-two.

4 x 7 Poem

Four and seven went fishing with bait.

Four times seven equals twenty-eight.

7 x 5 Poem

Seven and five went for a drive.

Who's in the back seat?

It's thirty-five!

7 x 7 Poem

Seven and seven were doing fine.

They make number forty-nine.

7 x 8 Poem

Seven and eight are nifty chicks.

Eight times seven is fifty-six!

8 x 8 Poem
I ate and I ate and I got sick on the floor.

Eight times eight is sixty-four.

9 x 7 Poem

Nine and seven climb a tree!

They find number sixty-three!

9 x 8 Poem

Nine and eight!

What do they do?

They go play with seventy-two!

9 x 9 Poem

Nine and nine having fun!

They play tag with 81.

12 x 7 Poem

Twelve times seven, clean the floor.

Twelve times seven is eighty-four.


  1. I noticed your BlogHer button on your sidebar and I'm thinking of going. I've been a little hesitant because I just started blogging and I'm worried I'll be in over mt head. Have you gone before, or are you just brave?

  2. Hi Kelly

    What an awesome poem! :-)

    Thanks for joining me at Create With Joy! Your blog is awesome! I look forward to getting to know you! :-)

    Have a happy 4th!

  3. Now that is a creative way to remember multiplications. Nice. Returning the follow!

  4. My son loved this.....He is nine and thought these are a fun way to remember.
    I'm a new follower.
    Amy's Life @


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