
Friday, July 22, 2011

My Special Blog Tag for BlogHer from Invitation Consultants

I haven't really talked about it much on this blog, but if you look to the right border, you will see that I am going to BlogHer this year!  I am really excited about it less than 2 weeks now!  A few days ago I received a package in the mail  from Invitation Consultants that just added to that excitement!  It was my very own blog tag complete with my name and address info in case my luggage gets lost (praying that doesn't happen!) - and it also includes my blog name and my Twitter handle, which may be an even better way to get in touch with a blogger!

Anyway, I knew that they would be sending the tag, but I didn't expect that it would look as good as it did, or that the packaging would be just so adorable, so I had to check out their website here.  I was really pleasantly surprised, although their name is Invitation Consultants, they really offer a whole lot more.  They not only offer invitations, they also offer party favors and deco to match! They also have backpack tags that would be perfect for labeling all of your kids things - We have tags on all of our boys sports equipment bags which really helps us to know what belongs to who.  You will definitely have to visit their site to see all they have to offer.

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  1. Hi! I am visiting and following your blog from Follow Me Friday at Molding Minds.

  2. thanks for entering - and blogging about it! :)


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