
Friday, August 12, 2011

Mabel's Labels Review and Giveaway!

When you live in a house with 6 boys you hear lots of things such as:

"Those are mine."
"He took my _____" (fill in the blank with any possible thing that a kid could own that their brother would covet).

Not to mention when you go to one of those indoor playgrounds with your kiddos and when you go to retrieve their shoes from the shoe cubby you find that there are 3 identical pairs of shoes to your child's and they are all the same size!

Needless to say, I needed a way to identify what items belong to what child. Enter Mabel's Labels

Mabel's Labels sent me this box which is filled with their Ultimate Back-To-School Combo to try out.  The first thing that you probably noticed in the picture above is that the labels come in the most adorable easy to store box.  I heart this box.  I had to take two pictures just to share my love with you and to show you how it opens.  I love that the labels are packaged this way because I will be able to easily find them when I need to label something, and the labels will be protected from the destruction that often befalls items that come into a house of 6 boys.

I chose to have labels made for my youngest, Luke, who is 5 because I didn't know if the older boys would think they were "too old" for the labels.  I didn't have to worry about it because as soon as Tyler and Cody saw the box full of "Luke labels" they were begging to get labels of their own. And after seeing the quality of their waterproof labels, I will have no problem obliging them. 

The Ultimate Back-To-School Combo is filled with:

 ■50 Tag Mates™

■40 Skinny-Minis™

■16 Shoe Labels

■2 Teeny Tags™

so, we will have many opportunities to use them all over our house.

These are the teeny tags which also come with small circle hooks to link onto backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. I plan on putting one of them on Luke's football equipment bag when we get it. The team all gets the same exact bag, so this is going to make it so easy to find his equipment bag after a football game. Yeah! No more guessing games or worry that we took the wrong bag home.

The tag mates and the skinny- minis come in a little booklet that you can peel off and place wherever you need them. The tag mates are washer and dryer safe, so you can label all of your kiddo's clothes. We have already put these in Luke's football jersey, and I can think of so many other uses - when ski season comes around, I will be putting them in his sweatshirts (that always come off when he gets too hot and then we can't find it), his coat, his gloves, etc.

The skinny-minis are dishwasher safe - which I love!  We have put Luke's on his water bottle, but we plan on putting them on the other boys' water bottles as well when we order some for them.  No more worry about sharing germs with labeled bottles!  My nephew goes to daycare, so my sister in law is going to order these to put on his bottles and sippy cups.

One of my favorite items in the box are these:

These are the shoe labels and in my humble opinion are genius!  You place them in the bottom of your child's shoe.  No more worrying about what pair of shoes belong to your child.  Love it!  Because seriously, am I the only mom who does not know how kids manage to always lose their shoes?

Mabel's Labels was the brainchild of four moms who were frustrated by all the frequent visits to the lost and found when their kids' items would leave the house never to return.  You can tell by the quality of the labels that these moms really thought of everything!  After visiting their website, I can tell you that the wheels in my head are spinning with all of the things I can do with their products.  A few that I am really loving are:

These household labels (because I just love the idea of having my pantry neatly labeled and organized!)

These lootbag labels (these are going to be a hit with both moms and kids at Luke's 6th birthday party in January)

And although I thought the older boys might be too "old" for the labels, after seeing this, I am seriously thinking about getting a few for my teenage boys as well to label all of their electronic "toys".

I am sure that you can think of a million (if not a billion) ways to use these labels!  You can order any of these (or many other items) at their website, Mabel's Labels. AND... one lucky Homeschool Parent reader is going to win the Ultimate Back-To-School Combo (a $42 value!).


Comment below with your favorite item from Mabel's Labels and what item you would label with it.
Each entry below is worth 1 entry, please leave a separate comment for each method of entry.

1. Follow me on Google Friend Connect.
2. Subscribe to Homeschool Parent.
3. Like Homeschool Parent on Facebook.
4. Like Mabel's Labels on Facebook.
5 Follow Mabel's Labels on Twitter.
6. Follow me on Twitter.
7. Tweet about this giveaway. (Up to 2 times per day) You can copy and paste below:

Enter to win Mabel's Labels Ultimate Back-To-School Combo from @kellys3ps and @mabelhood #contest #giveaway

Contest ends 8/26/11 11:59 PT.  Good luck!
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Disclosure: I was provided the Ultimate Back To School Combo to facilitate the review, and Mabel's Labels will be providing a set for the winner of this contest.  I received no other compensation, and the opinions in this post are my own.


  1. My favorite item from Mabel's Labels is the tag mates. I would label my daughters new kindergarten cloths with them.

  2. I follow with GFC, I'm "bigdisneyfan".
    warnaar-2 at yahoo dot ca

  3. I subscribed to your email newsletter.

  4. I Like Homeschool Parent on Facebook.

  5. I Follow Mabel's Labels on Twitter.

  6. I follow you on twitter. I'm @bigdisneyfan.

  7. Tweeted:!/bigdisneyfan/status/102427376226545664

  8. My favorite would have to be the tag mates for my preschoolers clothes.

  9. Tweet for 8/14:!/bigdisneyfan/status/102707934672338944

  10. I like the teeny tags for my little ones' bags and lunch boxes. We have to label their things for school and I hate writing on their bags!


  11. Following via GFC (Mommy of Two)


  12. I am a fan on Facebook (Sarah F)


  13. I am a fan of Mabel's Labels on Facebook (Sarah F)


  14. I am following Mabel's Labels on Twitter (World_as_One)


  15. Following you on Twitter (World_as_One)


  16. I love the whole Ultimate Back-to-School Combo... I will be using the tag mag for his clothes and teeny tag for his lunch bag for sure!


I love to hear what you have to say! Thank you for the comments!