
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Peek Into Our Homeschool Room

Here is a little peek into our homeschool room.  We share this are with my grocery stockpile, so I will just show a few views.

Our Bookshelves

We read a lot around here, so bookshelves are a must.  I am hoping to re-sort and label the green book bins by author or genre, I haven't quite decided yet. 

Our Supplies

I try to stock up on supplies during the back to school sales in the fall so that I can get the best prices.  Here are some of our supplies.  And yes they are in alphabetical order because I am a little OCD organized.

Desk Space

The kiddos normally work at the dining room table (as you can see in the picture below), the couch, or their rooms, so we don't really have separate desks for them. The oldest three each have a desk in their rooms.

 This is my desk which is in the homeschooling room area.

Enhanced by Zemanta
I am writing this post as part of the Not Back To School Hop. If you would like to share your curriculum plans, be sure to hop along! I would love to see what others are using!

Not Back to School Blog Hop


  1. I totally dig your 'no whining' sign!!!! I was thinking about opening up a library with all of the books that we have... I think it might be a normal homeschooling household thing...

  2. I LOVE how organized everything is! And yes, books, books and more books!!!!!

  3. Organising supplies by alphabet seems totally logical to me. When we have so many supplies as homeschoolers we have to have some sort of method. It also gives me a sense of calm to see things so tidy and to know things can be easily found.

    Totally there with you and not OCD,
    Jen in Oz


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