
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Social Media For Dummies Book Review

I began blogging when I was pregnant with my sixth son back in 2005.  I developed gestational diabetes and really appreciated the support and resources I found through blogging and reading other blogs from people who were also going through similar experiences.  Homeschooling was a similar adventure.  Besides blogging, I also have been active in other forms of Social Media such as Twitter, Facebook, Gather, etc.

Even though I have been doing this for awhile, I was so glad to have the opportunity to review Social Media Commerce for Dummies by Marsha Collier because I learned a lot more that I did not know.

For example, I had heard about untweep for Twitter, but I didn't really know what it did.  The author explains that it allows you to unfollow the people on Twitter you follow who haven't updated in awhile.

This book is obviously suitable for those who have a business, but I also think it will be helpful to anyone who wants to know more about Social Media in general.

Social Media Commerce For Dummies
by: Marsha Collier
ISBN: 978-1-1182-9793-3
Paperback / 336 pages
Release: November 2012
SRP: $26.99 USA | $31.99 CAN | GBP 19.99 UK
Available @ Dummies US, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, Books-A-Million, Google Play, Indie Bound, & Kobo (among others, both online and in stores)

Traditional advertising and marketing techniques just don’t do the job anymore. Today’s consumer relies on input from a trusted community when making buying decisions. For your message to resound wit customers, you must take advantage of their social network channels and interact with them online. Lucky for you, this book shows you how!

About the Author:
Marsha Collier is an expert on social media topics as well as the world’s bestselling author on eBay. She has written multiple editions of eBay for Dummies and Starting an eBay Business for Dummies, and she is much in demand as a speaker and trainer, appearing at many events each year.
From understanding Social Media, social business, and social commerce to revamping your website, making new sales, and keeping up with what others are saying about you (good or bad) – whether through apps, widgets and other enhanced ways of making a social media presence – Social Media Commerce for Dummies will share the ins and outs of everything there is to know about the subject…and then some!
Personally, I have taken a deep liking to this book. I’ve learned so much already. And the best part is…everything is written and explained in a way that I can understand it, and the book is loaded with step-by-step examples & how to articles for me to read and try myself. And if that wasn’t enough, For Dummies has a website too – – where I can see, read, and learn even more!

End Note: Whether you’re a small business owner, a blogger, a banker, or someone just starting out – Social Media Commerce for Dummies will help you enhance your social media presence.

Disclosure: As an Official For Dummies Ambassador, I receive copies from the For Dummies collection. Any thoughts, opinions, and/or testimonials expressed on this blog are my own.

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