
Friday, July 29, 2011

FyrFlyz Review

Tyler and Cody are now 9 and 10 years old, those tween years.  One of the harder things to do as a tween mom is to think of birthday presents for them or their friends.  Usually I go the boring safe route of gift cards or a $20 bill tucked in a birthday card.   But that was until this arrived in the mail:

Let me introduce you to FyrFlyz!  If you haven't heard of them yet, they are spinning toys that let you create light shows in between your own hands.  All of my boys were amazed by them, from the 5 year old to the 18 year old.

Although he wasn't smiling in this picture (he's at that don't take pictures of me stage) he has been walking around the house for days twisting and turning the FyrFlyz.

Tyler has become quite the pro...

followed in a close second by Cody.

The boys loved their FyrFlyz so much, they even had to take them on our trip to Lake Tahoe, and although you couldn't see the lights in the day, they still caused quite a stir!  Yes we shared reuctantly enthusiastically until mom made us when our mom politely asked us to.

Even Daddy had to get into the action.

The pictures just didn't show the real effect, so here is a video of the boys playing with them.

I will be stocking up on a few FyrFlyz at Toys R Us for upcoming birthday parties because I know they will be a hit! If you want to learn more check out their website

Disclosure: We recieved two FyrFlyz in order to facilitate our review.  The boys will also recieve a $20 gift card for their efforts.
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