
Friday, July 29, 2011

Our Family's Safari Adventure at Safari West Part 2

After we completed our walking tour, it was time to load up on this jeep.  Just ignore me in this picture (it is awful) look at my lovely handsome boys. I hate love having my picture taken.

The older boys got to take turns riding on the very top of the jeep.  You can see their feet right above us.

Luke was the only one not tall enough to sit on top, but they gave him the very important job of being assistant tour guide and he got to sit up front.

And then we were off in search of wild animals.

Not quite an animal, but Palmer found a skull.

Then our first animal sighting.

You can tell Tyler and Cody were excited about it, can't you?

Which way should we go Luke?

I think this was a herd of gazelle.

And then we saw a heard of Aftican buffalo.

Yeah, this guy got a little too close for my comfort.

Some wildebeest. The tour guide told us that some ancient peoples believed that they were made up of leftover parts from other animals when the world was created.

Towards the end of the tour we saw this magestic giraffe. 

Our visit was amazing! We just took the tour, but they also offer overnight stays in rooms designed like huts.  The tour guide said you could hear some of the animals during the night.  I'm not sure if that was much of a selling point for me, but I do think we may try it one time. 

If you live in the area, or are going to be visiting, you may want to check out Safari West!
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Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop


  1. That looks like so MUCH FUN!! Thanks for linking up with me!

  2. Jen, thanks for letting me know about your hop! I tried to comment on your post, but it wouldn't let me :( It looked like your boys had a blast at the water park!

  3. Thanks for linking up to the new field trip hop a safari trip would so much fun

  4. I am visiting all your blog sites from My 2 Cents
    Thanks for visiting me


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