
Monday, July 25, 2011

It's Planning Time!

Suddenly it is almost August! Where has the summer gone? I hope you have taken time for yourself so that you are feeling less stressed and refreshed - ready for a new year!  August is the time of year when homeschool parents really begin to think about the new year ahead. It is time to research new ideas to use in your homeschool, and new ways of doing some of the necessary things. I also begin to get excited about beginning the new year  fresh with my children.

As it is a new year, make some resolutions. Every homeschool parent can improve and make learning better for their children. Try some new things in your reading and math programs, improve your science program or teach more PE to improve the fitness of your children. If your organizational skills (or your children's) can be improved, work on this. Every year you should think about improving in some way!

Over the next few weeks I will be giving you some ideas for organizing and planning your homeschool year.  I will provide linkys for sharing some of your great ideas as well. And the best news?  I will also be giving away some fabulous back to school organzing and homeschool supply prizes through blog post contests and twitter parties.   Additional Prizes and Sponsors will be added - so check back frequently!

Prizes and Sponsors
(updated 7/25/11)

Coupon Binder - Fernley Family
$25 Gift Card to Target- Homeschool Parent

If you would like to share a blog post or sponsor this contest, please contact me at for more information.
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  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am returning the follow! Two of my siblings home school their children. I know there is such preparation that goes into that. Have a great day!

  2. Thanks for stopping by.
    Shhhh, it can't be time to start planning already? Who am I kidding...I was already looking for ideas the 2nd week of summer vacation. I don't go back (to my classroom) until Sept. 6th here.

  3. GREAT idea! I'm ALWAYS trying to find more challenging, interesting curriculum, different unique learning experiences, etc. There's never a PERFECT homeschool (just like there isn't a perfect public/private school), but we certainly can strive for it! LOL Thanks for stopping by!


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